Terms & Conditions

The information contained in this application is intended as instructive lifestyle entertainment and not as a substitute for financial planning, medical advice or psychological help. This information may be used along with consultation with a competent professional. The author, owner, and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material.

The Bank of Abundance check is merely a training tool to condition the subconscious mind. This check is for use within this application and cannot be used outside this application in any way whatsoever. The Bank of Abundance check is a financial game designed to created the feeling of wealth. In so doing affect the subconscious minds ability to attract wealth.

The users ability to attract wealth is completely dependent on the users ability to imbue wealth consciousness onto their subconscious mind.

The users ability to attract health is completely dependent on the users ability to imbue health consciousness onto their subconscious mind.

The users ability to attract positive relationships is completely dependent on the users ability to imbue the correct life affirming consciousness onto their subconscious mind.

No part of this application may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means; graphically, electronically, or mechanically, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior written permission of TeachMeWell Inc. or where otherwise permitted by law.